
Wednesday 7 December 2016

Bad news and good news......

    This is going to be short for, truth be known, I'm a little under the weather after a couple of traumatic experiences this week.  First was another of those nasty steroid injections into my Rt eye on Monday to reduce the lasting inflammation. It may not be wise to run with triamcinolone crystals shaking around in there at the moment, but I should be flying by weekend!
The second is a stitched up hole in my head as a result of a biopsy on Tuesday to identify a rash of itchy little lumps my dentist became concerned about, advising me to have them checked out.
I'll know the results on December 22nd.  Hopefully.
Selfie taken on a sunrise run last week, at -4ºC    (Click to enlarge)
    I've kept having to remind myself that Christmas is only spitting distance away, but I reckon it finally sunk home when cards started plopping through my letter box.   Stamps, cards. wrapping paper, tags, shiny ribbon, sellotape - and presents - have all been purchased and work has begun on the onerous task of dispatching things to their various destinations. 
    Among today's batch of cards was a letter that cheered me up no end, proving just the tonic I needed to dispel much of the gloom that's overshadowed the last two days.  It was from Charmian Heaton of the Fell Runners Association telling me I'd been granted Honorary Membership of that esteemed organisation.
Three times winner of this rose bowl in the Three Peaks of Yorkshire race
    In my short racing career I competed on roads, track, X-country and fells, giving a good account of myself in all disciplines. But should anyone ask me which was my favourite my answer would always be the fells.  
    The Three Peaks was one race I felt I had to run when pulling on a pair of studs for the first time at the tender age of 54.  And run it I did.  Indeed, I rate my finest racing achievements as having my name engraved on the Clayton-le-Moors rose bowl three times as winner of the MV60 race.  Seven marathon wins pale to insignificance.
Another thing that came in the post yesterday to cheer me up was the amazing 'Storytime' DVD by the Swedish heavy metal band, Nightwish.  I played it throughout, volume turned high, my eyes glued to the screen, and went to bed feeling 50 years younger. Here's a sample track
Time to go, more presents to wrap.  I may or may not be here next week....


  1. So sorry about the traumatic events of your week - wishing you a very enjoyable, stress-free weekend ahead.

    Congrats also on your honourary membership - well deserved!

    1. Thanks Karien. Nothing has happened to stop me running, so that's OK. These things are sent to try us.....

  2. It's all good news... getting the body fixed is never bad news, it being not well is the bad news and it already was, so this is good news! you've already on the way to being better and one needs to be better for Christmas!

    1. Hey Coach, stop taxing my old brain with such complicated reasoning! I'm currently enjoying a short rest but hopefully will be firing on all cylinders again before Christmas. All the best to you. Cheers!

  3. Given your track record, this is a mere blip! You will soon be out again I am sure.
    Congratulations on the honour, should be able to put FRA after your name!
    Look forward to next post that tells you are back out on the hills again.

    1. I'm sure you're right Ian, a temporary blip. I should be back out this weekend. Thanks for your kind comments.
      Incidentally, you're a hundred miles ahead of me so far this year. I've only managed 600. Well done you...

    2. I still need another 86 miles[2914] cycling to get my 3000 this year, thats down on last year but running is up and should be mid 800s! [797]by end of December.
      I think your running is a little more consistent than mine and more interesting most of the time as you are always off road across the moors!!!
      Take it easy, hope Santa brings something nice to eat and drink?

  4. So sorry to read you've been under the weather - do hope things have now improved and you will be out running this weekend.

    Many congratulations on receiving your Honorary membership, great news.

    Happy present wrapping!
    I managed to get the Christmas cards written,but haven't tackled the present wrapping yet ...

    Take care

    All the best Jan

    1. Physically I'm OK Jan. I think it's the psychological bit that got to me, being laid on an operating table under bright lights with everyone in masks and gowns. It makes it seem so serious!
      But cards are all sent and parcels wrapped, so that's Christmas sorted. Well, almost.
      Sending you best wishes....
