
Wednesday 2 January 2019

A final fling...

Monday was one of those days, a three in one type of day, at the end of which I wondered  "How on earth did I survive that?"
 I must indeed be 'fearfully and wonderfully made' (Psalm 139 v14)
Snug as a bug in a hoody   (Click to enlarge pictures)
It had begun with an early morning shopping trip, mainly to exchange an item of clothing, a present from a friend in Canada that was far too big.  The present, not the friend.  I returned with a snug fitting hoody that has hardly been off my back since.
Last run of 2018
A strong coffee was called for after that stressful meander among the fleshpots, and also to work out the next item on the agenda.
A satisfactory route for a final run of 2018
Oh yeah.....
Of course, it had to go over Castle Hill, eventually, but for a change we set off in the opposite direction, down Almondbury Common where a sign reminded us of some rather unpleasant goings-on in years gone by.
There may have been others since!
Through Mollicar Wood
After a mile we turned westward through Mollicar Wood, shuffling through a carpet of decaying oak leaves on a path running parallel to Lumb Dyke.
Stone stile with Castle Hill in the distance
Leaving the wood we climbed steeply through a field where, in late summertime, I've seen roe deer flouncing through ripening corn to the shelter of adjacent woodland. 
They ran a lot faster than me!
Still going up...pleasantly
Over a stile the trail continued uphill, past holly and hawthorn bushes stripped bare of berries by recent raiding parties of Scandinavian winter thrushes.  Fieldfares and redwings.
Nearly there
Once past the neat row of cottages at Farnley Hey we had the gorse covered flanks of Castle Hill directly ahead of us.
Couldn't resist the odd 100m hill rep
In a few more minutes we'd planted our feet on the summit only to be met by a vicious north westerly wind intent on blowing us back down.  After just one circuit and the odd hill rep we jogged home to relax for a few hours before stage three of the day's activities.
Hogmanay feast before the midnight chimes
Both of us having lived, walked, run, camped and climbed in Scotland at various points in our lives, it was inevitable that tatties, neeps and a haggis suitably marinated with a certain 40% golden distillation should appear on the Hogmanay menu.
This will take some running off...
 The delightful meal was helped on its way with a fine bottle of Prosecco which our ancestors may not have approved of...
2019 arriving with a bang and a blaze of colour
but it suited us until, just before the midnight chimes, it was time to pour a large dram of single malt to welcome in a New Year full of hope, good health, happy holidays and, of course,
many more wonderful miles running the planet...

Slàinte mhath and a Happy New Year everyone


  1. How on earth did I survive that? I almost stopped reading after you said you had gone shopping! (how does anyone survive that!)

    That said you are looking rather dashing in your new top!

    My end of year run was rather short, but I had done plenty the days before, so my short run and swim were plenty.

    ready to take on 2019 all the best

    1. Yeah, I hate shopping among crowds, but my cosy new top made it worthwhile, it'll help me save on heating bills!
      Have a great New Year Coach with many more miles of enjoyable running. Cheers!

  2. The hoody looks good, so do the views on your run...
    Yum, I'm sure your meal was delicious.

    Happy and Healthy New Year Wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  3. I agree with Lowcarb that your hoody looks good indeed , and also about your meal that looks indeed delicious . I like your post with the nice pics . Today I did the Yorkshire Cross Country and I had a bad day struggling from the gun start ,I felt all wobbly and folding myself in two trying to push forward , and looking at your pic of you going up hill ,I just wish I had some of your tremendous posture . Antonio .
