
Tuesday 2 June 2009

The runs.......

I awoke this morning with the galloping trots so didn't get out for my morning run as early as I would have liked. Just as I was about to set off a visitor came, Dave Watson, telling me his tale of woe about how he'd torn a calf muscle in the Leeds 10K race. He repeated this story several times, presumably to make sure I understood all the agony he'd gone through, not just at the time of the actual tear, but all the torture he subsequently went through at the hands of the physio. By the time he left I was ready for the loo again.
It was 8am when I locked the door for a second time and toiled up the road to Castle Hill where I'd planned twelve hill repeats. In the heat I only managed six. My mouth was parched and I wished I'd taken some water. I think the diarrhoea may have been partially responsible for my lack of fluid. I trotted down to the cricket field for some faster reps but, again, I only managed six, watched rather disdainfully by two guys who've recently had a new house built and who's patio looks straight down the wicket. They were lounging in the sun, one rather obese, the other smoking, as if they were in Tenerife. I spoke as I passed them, trying to be sociable, but all I got back was a grunt! My Garmin said I'd only done 5.35 miles - in 53 minutes. I'm sure it tells lies.
After morning coffee I replied to Markus's email, with it's wonderful pictures that brought on a severe bout of nostalgia, taking me back to my final Munro, the Mamores and wonderful wild campsites. Then I searched the running forums for anything interesting, or any replies to my posts, but nothing exciting was happening. One post about the Halifax 5K race confirmed my belief that the chap who calls himself Epocian is in fact Guy Goodair, a friend of Peter Wilson.
Then the post arrived with a package to sign for. It was my replacement Anquet mapping for Great Britain North, plus a 1:25:00 section of the Crantock area. I uninstalled the old Anquet maps and loaded the new ones. At first glance I don't think the new Great Britain maps are any different from the old ones, so I could have wasted money there. But I do like the larger scale Crantock map. The interface for these newer versions is quite different from the older edition and it's taking a bit of sorting out and understanding - for my old brain. Unlike the old system it wipes any routes from the map when you log out - unless you save them, which I still haven't figured out how to do. I must learn, quickly.
My partner rang at 2pm, as she has almost each day since she arrived in Canada. She sounded a bit weary, or perhaps a little tired of the necessary routine of daily hospital visits to her sick brother, taking the dog for walkies, watching videos and spending time alone. I do hope there's good news of his progress before she leaves on Sunday. She'd apparently had a rather stressful day yesterday when taken for a meal out with an old friend of hers who now lives in Canada. There journey was blighted by road works and long diversions, not to mention her friend's 80 year old husband who was driving!
An email from Gareth at informed me my Women's Rab Quantum 400 sleeping bag will arrive before lunch tomorrow. I hope it's the right size for me, unlike the walloping great thing it's replacing which would fit two of us inside.
The weather deteriorated this afternoon, clouds blotting out the sun, but it's still very warm. According to Paul the weatherman, today has been the hottest day of the last few good ones. It was certainly very warm when I was trying to run this morning. However, there was a glorious sunset tonight but whether it presages another good day tomorrow remains to be seen. Sunset? Good grief, it must be time for bed!

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