
Monday 20 November 2017

A braw November day......

This posting will be short with apologies for any typos or mistakes.
Another syringeful of triamcinalone into the ball of my Rt eye today has put paid to any thoughts of running for X number of days, though I'm hoping to be out again by weekend.
Over the stile to Grassington Moor on a braw day  (Click to enlarge pictures)
  Viewing the world through a mixture of milk and shirt buttons tends to mask all those obstacles I'm very good at falling over.
Dodging ice across Grassington Moor
But I managed to dodge the rain again last week for my two midweek dawn runs whilst Sunday possibly turned out to be the best day of the month weather-wise.
and more ice...
My wonderful partner may disagree about the latter.  She feels the cold far more than I do so was well wrapped up in warm tracksters and Buffalo jacket.

Running in the sun, past Teal Tarn
It was cold, freezing cold and sub zero temperatures had frozen all the track-wide puddles up the ghyll and across Grassington Moor. We'd to run a zig-zag chicane to avoid them.
Grassington boundary stone.  Over the wall is a very wet Hebden Moor
 It isn't everyone's idea of fun or choice of exercise which more or less guarantees we have the moor to ourselves in such conditions.  Apart from a few sheep and some lucky surviving grouse we saw but one other intrepid couple who, to be honest, didn't look very happy.
Another typical obstacle
Initially, we'd the luxury of wall to wall sunshine but it clouded over for the last three miles or so as we sloshed through ankle deep sphagnum moss.  It might be good for hanging baskets but it gave us very cold feet
Dodging ankle deep sphagnum - where we could
Gateways were awash with water too, requiring some clever maneuvering to pass through into the next morass.
How do we get through here?
TomTom told us we'd run 7.41 miles with a little short of 800ft of ascent.  
Not a bad little workout to round off the week.


  1. That looks a great run, despite the wetness! 7 + miles is very good, I am sure your vision will improve and you will soon be up and out as normal, you usually are! Fantastic running country from your front door!

    1. It's one of my favourite runs Ian, though not an easy one. Wild and beautiful, especially in Spring when the moorland birds are back. Just hope my eyes will allow me to enjoy it for a few more years...

  2. Beautiful countryside you run in.
    I think men can deal with the cold better than women. I put on lots of layers to keep warm when I walk.

    1. When it's really sub zero it's my chest that suffers most, breathing in the freezing cold air feels like I've a block of ice under my ribs. Common sense should tell me to stay where it's warm but I must have been away somewhere when God was dishing out such things....

  3. It is lovely the countryside around you ...
    I hope your eyes settle down soon and you can get out and about for more runs.

    Enjoy your weekend

    All the best Jan

  4. Snow has arrived Jan, but we'll still enjoy it. Hope you do too. Cheers!
