
Sunday 27 September 2015

Autumn of my life......

 Isn't Autumn wonderful? Not just a feast for the eyes or the soul but for the inner man too with all its wild fruits, flavour filled treats picked straight from the field, the bush or the tree. I could make myself ill!
Not wild, but one or two overhanging the fence could still end up in a pie!  (Click to enlarge)
This last week has been glorious with contrasting seasonal colours of clear sunny days and pastel shades of mild, misty mornings. I couldn't get out of bed quick enough to don my vest, shorts and studs before running out into the dawn to have my fill of the unfolding pageant.
'Good morning world' - the red ball peeping over the horizon
There is something intensely satisfying about seeing that first tiny red spot peeping over the eastern horizon before the whole sky bursts into flame. Inevitably, it stops me in my tracks, to watch it spread, to photograph it (for at least the hundredth time) and to revel in the experience of just being there to witness that amazing sight. Then to run, run for home, my inner batteries primed with elemental energy to sustain me throughout the unfolding day.
......and setting the sky on fire

Becoming a runner was one of the better decisions I made in life, one I wish I'd made years earlier. On that fateful day - April 9th, 1986 and over 38,000 miles ago - the world became a richer place, akin to what religious folk would call a born again experience. It added more life to my days and, I believe, more days to my life.
Misty morning. Reminds me of Susan Boyle's 'WILD HORSES' (click to play)
Without various changes running brought about, in social, eating, drinking, and sleeping habits, I'm fairly sure I wouldn't be sat here compiling this at 83 years old. Nor stepping out into misty dawns to run the hills and woods and fields to enjoy the company of all the wild creatures of this wonderful world.
Weekly total: 21 miles/2,059ft ascent


  1. Inspirational, as always! Have a lovely week, Gordon!

  2. Inspirational as said above. It the Great Outdoors that is the thread through our lives.
    Keep on running and posting and enjoy the splendid weather at the moment.

    1. Thanks Ian, I'm in the Yorkshire Dales at the mo and the weather is glorious. Life doesn't get much better than this...... Cheers!

  3. I long for the warmer days of spring and summer... but today Winter is back in Cape Town...

    1. I feel for you Coach! Your winter days are maybe warmer than our summer ones.

  4. I've always liked that track by Susan Boyle!

    Autumn is an amazing time of year.
    Another great post and your photo's are lovely.

    Happy October ... well it is almost here!

    All the best Jan

    1. Subo's track always comes into my head when I run through that field - and the horses sometimes act a bit wild if I take them by surprise, like before sunrise or emerging from the mist...
      October has arrived today - and it's wonderful. Cheers Jan.....
