
Thursday 11 January 2018

Hey Antonio, I'm back......

This is for my good friend Antonio who sounded a little concerned about my sad appearance after last week's fall.  Just to prove you can't keep a good man down I was out this morning long before first light running a comfortable 5K that included 15 short hill reps.  A favourite little mid-week workout.  All went well and I returned home feeling good.
Getting younger......  (Click to enlarge)
  TomTom automatically syncs with my Smart phone as soon as it comes within range.  While sipping a glass of chocolate milk to top up protein levels I glanced at my phone and was quite surprised at what it read.
......and faster
After 6 hours sleep, not only had I run the 2nd fastest 5K TomTom had recorded for me but it said my Fitness Age is now an amazing 58!  
So rest assured Antonio, Saturday's ignominious little faux pas is well and truly behind me.  Old Runningfox is fully recovered and back in action.


  1. "Old Runningfox is fully recovered and back in action."

    That's good to know.

    All the best Jan

  2. Sorry I know I'm not Antonio - but it is good to know

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, your good wishes are appreciated, even if you're not Antonio.
      Have a nice weekend. Cheers!

  3. It is fantastic news Old Runningfox 58 , I just could not bear to look at that pic of you sitting down on the bench with your hat on , staring at the view like a pensioner on his last leg , I am relieved indeed , because I look at your post for direction for my future running career as a V70 ,at my age of 69 and with my legs nowadays that feel like wooden legs struggling so much that when the race organizer will spot me , they will offer me money to go away . Welcome back Gordon . Antonio from Otley AC.

    1. Cheers Antonio, sorry I upset you! Keep on running....

  4. Back in Sept Ms Garmin was saying I had to walk 20000+ steps a day... easy when on holiday! But being injured and having an op that dropped to about 5000... Now it's on the climb again as I can walk without crutches.

    But my V02 max is still the same as Sept as is my race predictor. guess it will drop when I start running again.

    love the little toys we all have!

    1. 20,000 steps is a hell of a long way to walk, nigh on 10 miles I'd think, or 70 miles a week.
      Good to hear you can now walk without crutches. You'll soon be back running again. Sending you good vibes. Cheers!

  5. wow a 43 heart rate! That sounds TOO low to me.

    1. Used to get down to 38 when I was racing - which is quite common for athletes.
